Published On: Fri, May 10th, 2024
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50 Indians are being lifted into prosperity every 60 seconds | World | News

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is helping to lift 50 Indians into prosperity every single minute in a free enterprise bonanza as the nation heads to the polls.

Millions of Indians have benefited from improved living standards as a result of measures brought in by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

An eye-watering £319billion targeted welfare spending boost has helped to turbocharge free-market capitalism in the nation.

It means 50 Indians are on the road to prosperity every 60 seconds as a result of the reforms – that’s 3,000 every hour and 72,000 every day.

Party officials will be hoping this drive helps propel them to victory during the nation’s historic 44-day ballot which will see almost one billion votes cast.

Some 500 million zero-balance digital bank accounts mean welfare and subsidies are now delivered directly to Indian people, cutting out corruption and middlemen in the process, while allowing e-commerce to take off and create a cycle of supply and demand – generating more jobs.

Balaram Bhallavi, who lives with his wife and four children, got 120,000 rupees (£1,136) from a programme run by the BJP government last year.

The funds allowed them to start building a new home, with Mr Bhallavi telling the BBC: “Life is tough.

“But I am grateful to get money from the government to build my first house.”

Modi’s BJP has also helped provide greater independence and empowerment of women by providing cooking gas and building a staggering 110 million public toilets across the country.

India’s Home Minister Amit Shah said his government’s approach to welfare amounted to “empowerment” of the people.

He told the Indian Express: “We have given gas connections, power connections and it’s up to them [people] to pay their bills.

“We have made toilets for them but they have to maintain them… What we did was to provide help to upgrade their lives – this is empowerment.”

The party has also cracked down on the Muslim use of “talaq”, which is the unilateral repudiation of the wife by the husband in a brutal act of divorce, by criminalising the practice.

Modi’s increasing diplomacy with Middle Eastern nations is also helping to provide millions of jobs to Indian expats.

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