Published On: Thu, Feb 8th, 2024
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MPs demand Archbishop to face questions over Church’s illegal migrant scandal | Politics | News

MPs on a powerful Commons committee are to write to the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby to demand he answers their questions on the Church of England’s role in facilitating illegal migration. But Welby can choose to ignore the demand because of his grace and favour seat in the House of Lords given to him while he is the Church of England’s most senor cleric.

The letter from the Home Affairs Committee comes after the horrorific acid attack by an illegal migrant in Clapham on a mother and her two children.

The suspect Abdul Ezedi fro Afghanistan was only allowed to stay in the country because he claimed to have converted to Christianity and recieved testimony from a Church of England priest. This was after he had previously had two asylum application rejected and had been found guilty in 2018 of a sex crime.

The Church washed its hands of the incident claiming it was up to the Home Office not them to see who is suitable to stay even though it had actively helped the convicted criminal circumnavigate the asylum system. then revealed that the Church has a specific document explaining to priests how to game the asylum system.

MPs want to tackle Welby about what some see as a conspiracy by the Church of England to prevent Britain from securing its borders against illegal migration.

The document was seen as proof that the Church leadership under Welby is deliberately trying to ensure illegal migrants stay in the country, even dangerous criminals and potential terrorists.

There is a growing concern that more illegal migrants from Muslim countries are pretending to convert to Christianity with the acquiescence of the Church of England just to prevent them from being deported.

Added to that Welby and the Church of England in Bishops in the Lords have led the efforts to prevent new laws to strengthen Britain’s borders and are currently attempting to thwart legislation which would allow illegal migrants to be deported to Rwanda.

Recently, Tory MP Lee Anderson pointed out that Rwanda is a Christian country to “safe for converts.”

A committee source told “The committee has agreed to ask the Archbishop to come and speak to us. A letter is being drafted.

“Unfortunately, because he is a member of the House of Lords he cannot be compelled to attend but it would look very bad if he declines.”

The original call for Welby to appear before the committee came from Tory member Marco Longhi supported by Lee Anderson.

After approaching the committee, Mr Longhi told “It is only right that he explains his antics and those of the clergy in his church especially in light of this horrible crime in Clapham.

“We need to know whether this is ideologically driven, he needs to explain what he is trying to achieve in the Lords and there need to be questions asked about what checks if any at all clergy are doing on those who supposedly convert to Christianity.”

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