Published On: Tue, Feb 13th, 2024
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Russia to ‘double number of troops on NATO border’ as World War 3 threats escalate | World | News

The number of troops stationed along the Russia-NATO border will “double”, as the threat of a future worldwide conflict ramps up, according to Estonia’s foreign intelligence.

According to the country’s intelligence service, Vladimir Putin is planning to double the number of troops along the border with the Baltic states and Finland.

While Russia currently claims not to be ready for military actions against NATO, they are considering the possibility of conflict in the future.

The Russian military reforms revealed since late 2022 suggest a significant increase in troops on NATO’s eastern flank, including the Baltic states and Finland.

The Estonian intelligence report indicates that along the border with Finland, a new Russian army corps may be established, consisting of two or three manoeuvre units with additional support units.

Similar military build-ups were observed along the Russian-Ukrainian border before the 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

Denmark’s defence minister has also warned about the potential for a Russian attack within three to five years. Estonia emphasises the need for NATO allies to deter Russia by increasing military spending.

Estonia plans to spend more than 3 percent of its GDP on defence this year, exceeding NATO’s 2 percent target.

The report also highlights concerns about Russia‘s massive war budget of Rbs14.3tn for 2024, accounting for 6 percent of GDP.

Russian arms production, aided by supplies from Iran and North Korea, surpasses that of Ukraine and the West.

Despite sustaining heavy equipment losses, Russia is modernising armoured vehicles and seeking alternative supplies to circumvent Western sanctions.

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