Published On: Mon, Mar 25th, 2024
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Furious farmers shut down London with angry tractor protest | Politics | News

Furious farmers have descended on London for a tractor protest over fears of threats to food security.

The campaign groups Save British Farming and Fairness for Farmers of Kent are assembling for a “go-slow” convoy and drive around Westminster.

Organisers are expected up to 100 tractors as well as other farm vehicles this evening.

The protesters are raising concerns over the increasing difficulties faced by the British farming industry which they say are leaving the nation’s food security at risk.

They are calling for an end to trade deals which they say are allowing imports of food produced to standards that would be illegal in the UK and undercutting British farmers.

Organisers also criticise labelling that allows products to bear a Union flag when they have not been grown or reared in Britain.

Wiltshire beef and arable farmer and Save British Farming founder Liz Webster said the situation risked food security and the nation’s health.

Ms Webster said: “In 2019, this Government was elected with a mandate to uphold our standards and deliver a ready-made deal with the EU which would see British agriculture boom.

“It is now entirely obvious that they have totally betrayed us all.

“Polling shows that the public back British farming and food and want to maintain our high food standards and support local producers.

“We need a radical change of policy and an urgent exit from these appalling trade deals which will decimate British food.”

Jeff Gibson, founder of Kent Fairness for Farmers, said: “It’s so important that our message about substandard imports, dishonest labelling and concerns for food security is heard.

“With an election looming, we want to ensure the next incoming government takes up our cause.”

Geoffrey Philpott, a cauliflower farmer in east Kent, who is bringing three tractors to the rally, said: “I hope to be farming for many years to come, but if things don’t change, I won’t be and I won’t be employing the 14 people who work for me.

“Then we will be reliant on foreign produce that will not have the high standard of UK production.

“Once that happens, we could be held to ransom over supply and pricing.”

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