Published On: Thu, Feb 29th, 2024
World | 4,215 views

Billionaires prepare their multi-million impenetrable Doomsday bunkers amid WW3 fears | World | News

The mega-rich have initiated their plans to survive the end of the world by constructing million-dollar Doomsday bunkers under their properties.

Inspired by Mark Zuckerberg and his enormous apocalypse-proof facility underneath his Hawaii home, other billionaires are following suit and having their own bunkers constructed.

Developers of the bunkers, such as Atlas Survival Shelters, have said they’ve been inundated with construction requests since details of Zuckerberg’s underground facility were revealed.

Another California-based building company that constructs the bunkers revealed that it makes daily sales as the Doomsday prep trend becomes increasingly lucrative.

The disturbing trend comes as fears of a nuclear war or World War III escalate. Existing global conflicts such as the RussiaUkraine war and Israel‘s war on Gaza have raised concerns over wider conflicts breaking out.

READ MORE: The ex-Nazi bunker which has been transformed into an incredible £50m hotel

In December 2021 it was reported that Zuckerberg had started work on his £213 million, 57,000-square-foot bunker with its own energy and food supplies. Construction workers had to sign NDAs preventing them from discussing it.

Sparing no expense, the Doomsday facility will also come fully equipped with 30 bedrooms, lifts, a swimming pool, sauna, tennis court, and gym.

Robert Vicino, founder of California-based Vivos, which creates underground survival shelters, told The Hollywood Reporter: “Now that Zuckerberg has let the cat out of the bag, that’s got other people who share his status or are near his status starting to think, ‘Oh God, if he’s doing that, maybe he knows something I don’t’.”

He added: “It’s no secret that one-percenters and top-ranking government officials have been in on this bunker idea for a long-ass time. We’re here to provide peace-of-mind solutions.”


Some have reportedly begun investing in cars and planes that don’t require computer interfaces, in the event of power grids or satellites going down.

Al Corbi, president and founder of Virginia-based SAFE, revealed he is involved in plans to create a bunker in the middle of an island surrounded by a flammable moat.

The facility will be surrounded by a 30-foot-deep lake filled with flammable liquid, and only accessible via a swing bridge. Corbi said the moat will turn into a “ring of fire” once lit.

In the wake of escalating conflicts around the globe and the increasing threat of nuclear war, the ultra-wealthy are making their preparations for the end of the world to the extreme.

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