Published On: Sat, Feb 3rd, 2024
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China’s insane £3.5m plan for a hovering bus which would drive over the top of cars | World | News

In a bid to address the perpetual challenge of traffic congestion, Chinese engineers once revealed groundbreaking designs for a futuristic elevated bus that could revolutionise urban transportation.

The innovative ‘Transit Elevated Bus’ (TEB) was showcased at the 19th China Beijing International High-Tech Expo back in 2016, offering a glimpse into a transportation solution that defies convention.

The TEB, which resembles a hybrid between a tram and a bus, was designed to carry up to 1,200 passengers above regular road traffic, allowing cars to pass underneath. The concept aimed to maximise road space, potentially reducing traffic congestion and offering an alternative to traditional buses.

The scale model of the TEB, demonstrated at the tech expo, features the vehicle running on a set of fixed rails embedded in the road, and would cost around £3.5 million per unit.

“With a carrying capacity of 1,200 people at a time, the TEB has the same functions as the subway while its cost of construction is less than one fifth that of the subway,” Bai Zhiming, the engineer overseeing the TEB project, told CCTV News. He highlighted the potential efficiency of the system, adding: “Its construction can be finished in one year.”

The ambitious project generated significant interest due to its potential to transform urban transportation and alleviate traffic woes with Brazil, France and India being keen for the project.

Testing on a prototype began in August 2016 on a 300m long test track. However, sadly, the project was abandoned in June 2017.

Chinese press reported that the prototype left testers underwhelemed, with some saying it ran too slowly and overheated. Other problems were cited, including problems dealing with other vehicles, such as cars with roof racks.

Low bridges and other obstacles were also feared to cause too many problems for the bus.

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