Published On: Sat, Feb 3rd, 2024
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China’s plan to invade Taiwan derailed by key weakness in Beijing’s ‘lagging’ military | World | News

China has a key weakness that could see an invasion of Taiwan end in failure, an expert told Daily Express US.

In recent years, Beijing’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has conducted numerous drills near Taiwan.

They have come amid growing tensions between Beijing and Taipei as the island seeks to govern itself without interference from China.

Beijing has long considered Taiwan a province of the People’s Republic of China, and wants to see it reunified with the mainland.

Leaders in Taiwan have expressed their fear that a Chinese invasion could happen in the coming years.

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“The PLA has shown its capabilities during the military drill conducted after former US speaker Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. While blockade is perhaps more preferred by the Chinese, the Chinese also need to consider the possibility of US and allies intervening.”

In September 2022, US President Joe Biden vowed that the US will help defend Taiwan in the event of a war with China.

And in August 2023, Biden announced the US’ first-ever military aid package to Taiwan worth $80million despite it not being officially recognized as an independent country. China was furious with Washington as a result.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said: “This severely violates the one-China principle and the stipulations of the three China-US joint communique.”

While many experts and Taiwanese leaders worry that China is planning an invasion, Ms Chen isn’t as convinced.

She added: “China has been increasing its military pressure on Taiwan, but those activities do not necessarily entail a plan for invasion.

“The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) sends warplanes to fly across Taiwan’s ADIZ, and warships close to Taiwan’s water—so-called gray-zone activities, in an attempt to wear out Taiwan’s military and cause intimidation among the Taiwanese public.

“Last year, the PLA conducted large-scale military drills in response to then VP William Lai’s visit to the US. But these activities are China’s attempts to coerce Taiwan to not declare independence and to accept unification.”

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