DWP urged to respond to ‘demeaning’ policy after petition | Personal Finance | Finance
An online crusade has gathered momentum with more than 10,700 signatures, as people are “demanding” that the British Government abolishes the “degrading and humiliating practice” of means-testing for the elderly. The man behind the petition, Michael Thompson, is also pushing for an increase in State Pension payments, yet he refrains from proposing a particular hike in amount.
Hosted on the official UK Government and Parliament petitions platform, the ‘stop means testing pensioners and increase the State Pension’ appeal is on the verge of eliciting an official response from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). If the petition hits the 100,000 mark, it could force the Petitions Committee to consider it for a debate in the hallowed halls of Parliament.
In a forthright statement, the petition declares: “We demand the government stop means-testing pensioners, that we think is a degrading and humiliating practice. We also think the State Pension should be increased.”
Mr Thompson also tackles the portrayal of pensioners in the media as burdensome to the NHS and welfare schemes, arguing that seniors are “entitled to a decent pension and a comfortable lifestyle as many will have already paid into the system for longer than the rest of the population by now” highlighting their significant lifelong contributions to society.
He states: “We believe any Government should have a responsibility toward our nation’s elderly people. In the Victorian era, retirement was often only an option for those who had accrued wealth. Are we regressing back to those Dickensian times? We believe means-testing is an abhorrent practice that is demeaning and intrusive.”
The full petition can be viewed on the petitions-parliament website. More than 10 million State Pensioners, including 850,000 in Scotland, are poised to miss out on Winter Fuel Payments this year, reports the Daily Record.
This comes on the heels of an announcement by Chancellor Rachel Reeves back in July, declaring that the annual heating aid will not be extended universally to everyone above the age of 66 anymore. Only those State Pensioners who are recipients of a means-tested benefit like Pension Credit will be eligible for a payment of up to £300 by January 29.
The DWP has recently verified that State Pension payouts will escalate following the earnings growth measure of the Triple Lock policy. This policy alteration means a uplift for countless older citizens on the New and Basic State Pension, with an increase of 4.1% starting from April 7.
Within the realm of the Triple Lock’s earnings growth parameter (4.1%), individuals entitled to the full New State Pension will witness their weekly funds surge by £9.05, moving from £221.20 to £230.25. Given that these payments are typically processed every four weeks, this will accumulate to £921.
This will lead to an annual payment increase of £473.60, from £11,502 to £11,973 over the 2025/26 financial year. Similarly, those on the full Basic State Pension will see their weekly payments rise by £6.95 per week, from £169.50 to £176.45, or £705.80 every four-week payment period.
The annual payments will increase by £361.40, from £8,814 to £9,175.40 over the 2025/26 financial year.
Full New State Pension pay rates 2025/26
- Weekly payment: £230.25 (from £221..20)
- Four-weekly payment: £921 (from £884.80)
- Annual amount: £11,973 (from £11,502)
Full Basic State Pension pay rates 2025/26
- Weekly payment: £176.45 (from £169.50)
- Four-weekly payment: £705.80 (from £678)
- Annual amount: £9,175 (from £8,814)