Published On: Sun, Jan 26th, 2025
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Grim moment Russian soldiers handcuffed together ‘before making bloody assault’ | World | News

A grim video circulating on Russian Telegram channels appears to show a dozen Russian soldiers being driven to the front line in handcuffs.

The unverified footage, if true, paints a grim reality of the inner workings of the Russian military, who are known to use brutal measures to ensure discipline and to force soldiers to conduct dangerous offensives.

The grim recording shows several soldiers handcuffed together, with Russian military bloggers claiming that the troops were on their way to an offensive in the Donetsk region.

The video shows a soldier working on the handcuffs, trying to free one of his comrades from the shackles.

Russia is known to use blunt, bloody tactics to hammer at established Ukrainian defensive positions in the area as they continue their slow advance towards key, strategic cities.

Intelligence reports from the UK and Ukraine consistently report that Russia is losing more than 1,500 soldiers each day.

Yesterday, Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence reported that Russia had lost 1,720 people in the previous 24 hours, taking total losses to 830,190.

Since the outset of the war, Russia has blitzed through manpower, largely due to historic doctrine and sheer force of will from Russian commanders.

Russia is believed to be attempting to seize as much territory as possible to give it a strong hand at any future peace negotiations, placing additional willingness to sacrifice the lives of its troops.

Russian military doctrine, which shapes the way senior leaders plan and conduct operations, is heavily influenced by the Soviet era. This era placed a heavy emphasis on large frontal attacks with heavy concentrations of personnel to overwhelm defences.

To a lesser extent, Ukraine’s military doctrine has many of the same hallmarks, contributing to the heavy losses sustained on both sides.

Russia’s rapid depletion of manpower has seen it forced to lower entry standards, recruit convicts and import soldiers from North Korea.

Multiple reports suggest that new recruit training is minimal, with many having barely weeks of training before being deployed onto a vicious frontline.

As the morale of poorly trained and poorly motivated troops dwindled, Russia has been forced to rely on brutal methods to enforce discipline and obedience.

Throughout the war, footage has regularly emerged of Russian soldiers being beaten for poor performance or insubordination amid reports of some being killed by their side on the battlefield.