Published On: Fri, Mar 29th, 2024
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Huge poll blow for Humza Yousaf as he is less popular with Scots than Nicola Sturgeon | Politics | News

Humza Yousaf is less popular with Scots than Nicola Sturgeon, according to a new poll.

The survey by Ipsos Scotland gave the Scottish First Minister and SNP leader a net favourability rating of minus 15.

The poll of 1,040 Scottish voters found 45% have an unfavourable opinion compared to 29% who were favourable.

His predecessor Ms Sturgeon is slightly more popular with a net rating of minus 12.

Some 47% were negative about Scotland’s longest-serving first minister and 35% were positive in the research carried out from March 15-26.

However her ratings are significantly down from a positive score of eight in March 2023 just before she left office.

Scottish Labour leader has the highest net favourability rating with minus seven, while Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross has the lowest with minus 42.

The poll also found the SNP‘s approval ratings have also dropped from minus one in March 2023 to minus 10.

Some 34% have a favourable opinion of the nationalist party, compared to 44% who have an unfavourable view.

The Scottish Conservatives have a net rating of minus 48, while Scottish Labour are on minus three with more of the public being neutral towards them.

Meanwhile, across a range of policy areas – managing Scotland’s economy, and improving the NHS, education and living standards – more people say the Scottish Government has done a bad job than a good job.

Emily Gray, Ipsos in Scotland’s managing director, said: “These findings show the Scottish public are less favourable towards the SNP now than they were when Humza Yousaf took office, with Mr Yousaf facing a challenge to convince the public his government is delivering on key policy areas such as the NHS, education and the economy.

“However the other parties also face challenges – the Conservatives and Rishi Sunak are much more unpopular, whilst views towards Labour are less negative but the results suggest they haven’t as yet generated much enthusiasm among the public.”

It comes after a difficult year for the SNP with Nicola Sturgeon’s shock resignation and a police probe into the party’s finances.

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