Published On: Sat, Feb 10th, 2024
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‘I’m a royal expert and there’s one perfect place for Harry and Charles to reconcile’ | Royal | News

Prince Harry made headlines this week after his recent dash back home to the UK, following his father, King Charles’s, shock cancer diagnosis.

The Duke of Sussex arrived in London on Tuesday afternoon before rushing to Clarence House, where he had a brief chat with the monarch – who he had not seen in person in nine months.

The meeting lasted less than an hour, with the King reportedly having to delay his helicopter flight from London to Norfolk for an hour that day, in order to see his youngest son. It is understood that Harry did not meet with his older brother, Prince William.

Harry’s return saw many watchers suggest it would be the perfect olive branch for a possible reconciliation between the two camps following their ongoing rift.

And while Harry is now back in the US, having stayed in Britain for just a little over 24 hours, a royal historian dismissed any claims about Harry handing out olive branches during his recent trip but suggested that if any conversations for “better understanding” were to take place in the future, there would be a perfect place for it.

Speaking exclusively to, Marlene Koenig commented on the King’s and Harry’s brief meeting. She said: “No one but Charles and Harry know what was said during their meeting.

“This trip was not about olive branches, just toss that phrase away. After the meeting, the King and Queen left for Sandringham, which is a good place for recuperation.”

Koening went on to add that, whilst Harry didn’t follow his father to Sandringham, it would be a good place for “father and son to walk and talk – and clear the air and listen to each other.”

She dismissed any claims of an immediate reconciliation, saying: “The barn door may be slightly ajar to more understanding between father and son, but there has been too much water under the bridge for an immediate reconciliation.

“Sandringham would be the perfect place [for a meeting]. It is closed to the public (at this time of the year). A place to walk, talk and reflect.

“The focus should be on the King who is head of state and who has cancer.”

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