Published On: Wed, Feb 7th, 2024
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Iran boasts about ‘sending arms’ to Palestine and ‘training’ Hamas terrorists | World | News

Iran has denied any involvement in the deadly October 7 attacks on Israel orchestrated by Hamas despite admitting “training” Palestinian terror groups.

Teheran’s Ambassador to the United Nations Amir Saeid Iravani said his government “have not participated in this decision” when questioned on Iran’s role in the attacks that left more than 1,200 Israelis dead.

He added: “It was the Palestinian decision and the Palestinian implementation. We have … no role in this case.”

But minutes later he highlighted Iran’s extensive efforts to provide funding and support “resistance” efforts against Israel and the West in Palestine and the wider Middle East.

Iravani told NBC News: “In the case of Palestine, we’re sending arm [sic], we’re training them and empowering them.

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“But with the other parts of the region, resistance part of the, in the region, we have some coordination, cooperation, consultation, and maybe some financing also.”

The American Government has estimated that Hamas, which has governed the Gaza Strip since 2006, receives approximately £79 million per year from Teheran.

The Palestinian terror group is one of several extremist organisations in the Middle East which have been linked to Iran over the years.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Palestine Islamic Jihad of the West Bank and multiple group across Iraq and Syria have also been known to have connections with the regime.

The Houthis, which implemented a blockade in the Red Sea in support of Hamas, are also believed to have received fundings from Tehran.

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