Published On: Tue, Feb 6th, 2024
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Met Office issues urgent snow alert and pinpoint exact regions in firing line – new maps | Weather | News

Temperatures are due to drop in a matter of hours, hailing the start of snow disruption to many UK areas before the week is out.

That’s according to the Met Office which has issued a yellow cold weather alert for four regions, which comes into force from 6am on February 7 until 8pm on February 9. The alerts are put in place to warn social care and primary care providers of an increased risk to the vulnerable population.

It is also used as a warning to people aged 65 and over, who may have conditions which are worsened by colder temperatures. Despite the alert, “minor impacts” are expected.

The regions placed under this new alert are; both the East and West Midlands, the North East, North West and Yorkshire & Humber.

The forecaster detailed a timeline of weather events, and said: “On Tuesday a band of rain sinks south, gradually introducing colder air across the UK. Tuesday night then sees temperatures in the north dropping, with some transient snow over the high ground in the north.

“[This is] followed by a risk of widespread frost. Temperatures north of the Humber will be rather cold, but it will be another mild day in the south. By Wednesday morning, many places away from the far south will start seeing some frost to start with a good deal of sunshine throughout the day.

“But it will be another cold start on Thursday morning, where a band of rain pushes north throughout the day, likely turning to snow on the leading edge.”

It says snow is possible “anywhere” from the Midlands northwards, but that it comes with “considerable uncertainty”, with the current risk being over high ground in the north of the country.

Around 2cm of snow could see some areas on lower ground with a dusting – but this dramatically increases to 10-20cm for areas above 400m. “The snow will ease later that day”, the forecaster added.

“It may turn back to rain or drizzle. There is some uncertainty with respect to the rain/snow boundary, and the northern limit of snow, so details may change in the coming days as confidence increases in these aspects.”

It added that the current perameters for snow warnings, issued separately, cover south of Birmingham all the way to the Scottish border, but this may be “tweaked and refined” as the weather event draws closer.

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