Published On: Sun, Apr 30th, 2023
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Russian army throws own troops into caged pits for being drunk or refusing to fight | World | News

Russian commanders are punishing disobedient soldiers by throwing them in caged pits, the Ministry of Defence believes.

Troops have been forced into makeshift dungeons for being drunk or refusing to fight.

The so-called ‘Zindan’ cells are holes in the ground covered with metal grates. They are thought to be just a few feet deep and, in pictures posted online, they appear to have been hastily dug with the bare earth still visible and metal grilles precariously weighed down on concrete breeze blocks.

In the early days of the invasion, Russian commanders were relatively undemanding, allowing objectors to quietly return home.

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But draconian discipline has been on the rise since late last year, according to the MoD, and has escalated under Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov, who assumed command of the war in January.

He was brought in to lead the war after complaints about supply chains and Russia’s lack of progress.

Despite keeping a low profile in the months before, his heightened status puts responsibility for Russia’s performance on his shoulders.

Zindans were originally used by Imperial Russian armies when keeping prisoners in central Asia.

Although the MoD can’t categorically say the Zindans are being used, intelligence suggests it is likely with up to 75% certainty.

The MoD has seen multiple reports from Russian personnel suggesting the same thing.

In one video shared on messaging app Telegram, volunteer soldier Flarit Baitemirov of the 1199th regiment said he was being detained in a three-metre deep pit for drinking with other troops.

When the video emerged last week, he said he had been underground for four weeks, threatened with criminal prosecution. Other troops were with him.

In another, a soldier said he had been in a cell with other troops for three days without food.

Pavel Gorelov, who said he was from the 99th regiment, said: “The situation is this: my comrades-in-arms allowed themselves to drink a little beer, they were turned in, the military police arrived and we were put in the pit. The pit was like this: we were in the mud, in the rain, we were all wet.

“My comrades-in-arms had their faces smashed in … I ask for help, I ask the military prosecutor’s office to hold the commander responsible for these pits.”

The MoD’s latest defence intelligence update said “there have been multiple increasingly draconian initiatives to improve discipline in the force” since Autumn 2022.

It added: “In recent months, Russian commanders have likely started punishing breaches in discipline by detaining the offending troops in ‘Zindans’ which are improvised cells consisting of holes in the ground covered with a metal grille.

“Multiple reports from Russian personnel give similar accounts of being placed in Zindans for misdemeanours including drunkenness and attempting to terminate their contracts.”

The intelligence comes as shelling hit Donetsk, Kherson and Kharkiv, in the early hours today. Two injuries were reported in Kherson, where the local government is preparing for mass evacuations if heavy attack continues, local reports say. No other injuries were reported.

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