Published On: Sat, Dec 9th, 2023
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Russian soldiers complain that North Korean ammunition is causing weapons to ‘explode’ | World | News

Russian forces on the frontline in Ukraine are reportedly complaining to their superiors that their North Korean-made munitions are randomly “exploding”.

This comes as South Korea revealed last month that North Korea may have sent over a million artillery shells and other munitions to Russia for use in Ukraine

Tendar, a social media account that monitors the war in Ukraine, revealed that posts on Russian military Telegram channels exposed the consequences of the faulty munitions.

Tendar posted on X, formerly known as Twitter: “More complaints regarding North Korean ammo.

“Russian military bloggers report that the North Korean ammunition is very unevenly produced.”

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The post continued: “Even coming from the same production lot, it is obvious that deviations in the charge compositions and powder can be seen.

“It is very poor quality. Targeting and hitting becomes a game of luck.

“This comes after reports of production deviations of the shells in terms of manufacturing tolerances which were too much outside acceptable parameters and causing barrels of Russian artillery to explode.”

This comes as frontline footage filmed by Russian forces shows large-calibre rounds, not exploding on impact.

A voice in the video blames the faults on “North Korean artillery ammunition”.

Last month, South Korea revealed the growing trade and cooperation between Russia and North Korea.

It is thought that, in November, North Korea was able to put its first military reconnaissance satellite into orbit, after two failed attempts, with help from Russia.

President Putin met with leader Kim Jong Un at the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Russia‘s Far East in September.

Also in November, the US said as many as 1,000 North Korean shipping containers bearing “equipment and munitions” had been sent to Russia “in recent weeks”.

Major Patrick Hinton, an artillery officer in the British army, said that questions remained about the quality of the munitions being supplied by Pyongyang.

Major Hinton said poorly made ammunition would have an “inconsistent performance”, but given the very large numbers involved, a lack of precision and the occasional misfires would not make a massive difference.

He said: “Quality becomes quantity in itself.”

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