Published On: Sat, Feb 3rd, 2024
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The beautiful Spanish island where expats can live in the sunshine for £550 a month | World | News

At this time of year, many Brit are beginning to think about where they may choose to go on holiday this summer.

However, not everyone will be thinking about spending a few days, some may be considering whether to move for good.

As the cost of living crisis worsens and financial belts are squeezed ever further, many Brits are considering whether it is time to move to another country.

Among the options are Spain, Italy, France, and their associated islands. One of these, Tenerife, is particularly cheap to live in.

Tenerife is the largest of Spain’s Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. According to the blog Wander Onwards, the capital of Tenerife, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, is a “coastal port city full of amazing bars, restaurants, and beaches”.

The blog detailed how you can rent a one-bed apartment for an average of $700 (around £552) a month. By contrast, the average monthly rent for a flat in London is between £1,500 to £1,600, acccording to data from Rent London Flat, in October 2023.

They added: “Despite being an island city, this bustling metropolis is surprisingly affordable.”

As well as relatively affordable prices, Tenerife is one of the most popular islands in the region.

Lonely Planet said: “Attracting over six million visitors a year, the island’s most famous southern resorts offer Brit-infused revelry and clubbing, combined with white sandy beaches and all-inclusive resorts.”

They added: “Get your explorer’s hat on and step beyond the tourist spots and you’ll discover an island of extraordinary beauty and diversity, with remote mountain-ridge villages, cultured port settlements and charming ancient towns.”

Among the must-see attractions are the Pico del Teide, the Auditoria de Tenerife, Jardin Botanico, and Acantilados de los Gigantes, a set of dark rock cliffs 600m above the waves.

There is also the Loro Parque. One of the top-rated attractions on TripAdvisor, it hosts hundreds of different animal species that are looked after throughout the year.

As well as urban attractions and dramatic cliffs, there is also a bevy of beaches for tourists and locals to sun themselves on during the warmer months.

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