Published On: Sat, May 11th, 2024
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Vladimir Putin humiliated over his ‘fearmongering’ empty nuclear threats | World | News

Vladimir Putin‘s multiple nuclear threats have sparked concerns for NATO countries, especially as the Russian President started his fifth term just two days ago.

“It is worrying that Putin is starting his fifth term. He is very successfully using his time in office to consolidate support both in and out of the West”, human rights and national security lawyer Irina Tsukerman told the Express.

“A coup right now is extremely unlikely, as he has purged his opposition out of institutions. The longer he is in power, the longer he consolidates his power.”

However, according to Tsukerman, Putin’s strategy is more elaborate than deploying nuclear weapons and planning tactical strikes.

“Nuclear weapons are a trigger warning to Western powers, and they’re triggering political pressure”, Tsukerman said. “This is about fearmongering, not actions, so that the West will stop helping Ukraine.”

The US House of Representatives recently approved more than $60 billion (£48 billion) in aid to Ukraine against Russia, which the Kremlin warned Kremlin will lead to the “deaths of even more Ukrainians“.

Despite the many veiled threats, Tsukerman doesn’t believe Putin would act upon launching a nuclear attack anytime soon, as the simple act of scare tactics may be enough to deter his opponents.

Russia and its allies are calculating strategy, and seeing that threats are quite powerful. I think Russia would think long and hard before actually doing something like that. It’s an ideological warfare […].”

Russia has recently announced it is conducting exercises to test the use of their non-strategic nuclear weapons. Belarusian forces are also expected to join the second stage of exercises, according to Russian news outlets.

This move may be explained by what Tsukerman believes is Putin’s strategy to counter Russia’s military defeats and remain a strong international influence as part of his “ideological warfare” against the West.

Russia’s resources are technically short in terms of military gains, but political gains are growing, which in turn will help with physical resources”, Tuskerman said. “Putin has been strengthening alliances with non-Western countries to counter the many sanctions he faces, like strengthening trade with China and Iran.

“So long as he’s perceived by the public and his party and allies as a strong power, he will remain at the top. Even if he were to die of natural causes, nothing much would change. This Russian doctrine is likely to remain the status quo until there is a very strong response from the international actors. “

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