Published On: Tue, Feb 6th, 2024
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WW3 fears blasted by expert who reveals why Vladimir Putin ‘is not a threat to the West’ | World | News

As tensions rise and warnings of potential global conflicts echo through international corridors, military analyst Sean Bell has dismissed fears of World War 3, claiming that Russia, despite recent aggression, is not an immediate threat to the West.

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps had earlier raised alarms, suggesting a looming possibility of wars involving China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran within the next five years. Shapps painted a grim picture, stating that the world was transitioning “from a post-war to pre-war world.”

The head of the British Army echoed these sentiments, urging UK citizens to be “trained and equipped” for a potential war with Russia, while former top NATO commander General Sir Richard Sherriff even advocated for conscription.

However, Sean Bell, speaking on the RedMatrix podcast, argued against the notion of an impending global conflict. He pointed to Russia‘s failure to swiftly take control of Kyiv, stressing that “Russia cannot pose a realistic threat to Europe for at least a decade” based on recent events.

Bell dismissed the calls for conscription, asserting that maintaining a standing army at high readiness for a global conflict is impractical unless World War 3 is a genuine possibility.

He highlighted the West’s significant investment in technology, enabling war-fighting at a distance and moving away from traditional ground-based strategies.

Addressing concerns about conflicts in the Middle East, particularly the ongoing actions of Yemen’s Houthis, Bell remained optimistic.

He said that “none of the major stakeholders want the situation to escalate,” underscoring the importance of diplomatic efforts in preventing a global war from the region.

Even in the face of the US conducting retaliatory strikes in response to a drone attack on its service members in Jordan, Bell pointed out Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s efforts to maintain peace. Blinken embarked on a visit to the Middle East, seeking support for an extended Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal, indicating a commitment to diplomatic resolutions.

In Israel, Bell noted the growing domestic pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address public concerns. He suggested that the US might increase pressure to bring the conflict to an end, emphasising the significance of diplomatic channels in preventing the escalation of tensions.

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