Published On: Mon, Jul 31st, 2023
Business | 3,399 views

Young entrepreneur earns £5,000 a month with fitness business he started at university | Personal Finance | Finance

A 24-year-old has spoken about how he grew his fitness business into a £5,000 a month .

Jake Colley-Davies started Caradoc Conditioning in 2021, a strength and conditioning coaching business.

He uses social media to promote his content and currently earns between £2,000 and £5,000 a month.

The entrepreneur started the business in April 2021 and received funding from the Centre for Entrepreneurship at Cardiff Metropolitan University, where he was studying at the time.

He said: “The CFE (Centre for Entrepreneurship) encouraged me to focus positively on my progress, knowledge and wins when I was being too harsh on myself.

He has been able to boost the growth of his business by promoting it on social media, which he was encouraged to do by his lecturers.

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